10. Old computers and consoles festival

1 and 2 june 2024, 10 to 17h, salle communale de Martigny

The Old Computers and Consoles festival is the French festival of retro computing and retro gaming since teen years.
The enthusiasts of the Old Computers and Console Club organize the festival to exhibit tehir collections and share their passion with public and other enthusiasts.

The exhibitors are the members of OCCC and other collectors of old computers and video games. It’s open for all. All people can exhibit his material.

The Old Computers and Consoles festival is open also for all people and free entry. We don’t want to make money, just share our hobby.
The computers and consoles exhibited are in principle all in working order and usable by the public.

This year, we will introduce conferences. All people can propose a subject and make a conference. This idea was imagined from four years ago, but the Covid-19 and other reasons prevented the creation of this.

This year, the exhibition of the OCCC don’t have a theme. The members of OCCC come with the computer of their choice. This permit to exhibit non-conventional computers, like a BeBox or a Sol-20, between big market computers.

Same as the past, your partners Ordi-Service and Relec come. Contact his if you require anything.

A fleamarket is organised. All people can sell on the fleamarket. The unsold item must be recover at the end of the festival.

A conference space is organized to permit at all people to make a conference. Normally, the conference is on French, but it’s possible to make on English. On the conference page, the program is detailled and it’s possible to propose a conference.

You can also discover the products of Sophos, our principal sponsor.