OufParty 8

For this 8, edition, the Old Computers and Consoles Club (OCCC) has presented tree exhibitions.
The first exhibition was dedicated at the 40 years of the Commodore 64. With 15 computers, this exhibition the public have can discover the history importance of the Comodore 64.
A second exhibition showed off the first Play Station consoles of Sony. With 10 consoles sometimes unrecognized, the publoc have discover the origin of the actual PS5.
The three.th exhibition presented the Smaky computers family, Swiss computers created at the EPFL by the Dr. Prof. Jean-Daniel Nicoud and some of its other accessories and programming’s learning card. This exhibition was coupled with an invitation to some Swiss computer science pioneers that we have listened and filmed.
These years the family expands. For the eight editions, fifty exhibitors his coming. The raclette was a real success, four persons have scraped the cheese, including Jean-Marie Rouiller, Swiss computer science pioneer.
The public affluence was good, and the comments was encouraging. We were solicited to come to Vintage Computer festival of Munich with Smaky Computers!
Commodore 64 exhibition
If this computer is famous, few people know to this computer is today very used on the world by an active community. Today some developers make many software, games, demo, and extension for this computer. There are so many thins for the most solded computer of the world it would be impossible to make an exhibition to all explain.
The exhibition started by some standard Commodore 64 and their original accessories, like the Commodore 1520 Plotter or the cassette reader, exhibited in black version for the Commodore 16/116 or Plus/4 but compatible with the Commodore 64, then the Commodore 64 mini and the Amiga 500 mini and next the first real interesting accessories for a Commodore 64 user, the SD22IEC. Thia accessorie emulate a mass memories drive on the serial port of the 8-bits Commodore series, most dependable than the old floppy disks.
The exhibition continued with some Commodore 64 including one connected to Internet! A Commodore 128, the fully compatible successor of the Commodore 64 was connected to two screens and next return to the Commodore 64 with a Commodore 64c and his musical keyboard, it permit to transform the Commodore 64 to a piano. The SX64, transportable version of the Commodore 64 was exhibited just before the Ultimate 64, a modern reimplantation of the Commodore 64 and the Mega 65, also a modern reimplantation but of the Commodore 65, the normally successor of the Commodore 128 if Commodore had marketed it. A Commodore Plus/4, the only computer turned off because a material fault, find his place on the exhibition just before a Commodore 128 followed by an Educator 64. The Educator 64 is a Commodore 64 mounted on a Commodore PET case. This configuration was for the school, to prevent equipment theft. To close the exhibition, the first personal computer of Commodore, the Commodore PET-2001 were exhibited.
Smaky exhibition
The Smaky exhibition retraced the history of the French Swiss computer with some creators of the Smaky. This computer family was developed on the EPFL and all models, except prototypes was exhibited. This exhibition was for us an occasion to exhibit this computer family for the public but also for communicate with his developers.
To find out more about the Smaky computer family, we have gest some developers of the Smaky and some other computer pioneers like René Beuchat, visible on the first picture. René Beuchat was the hardware developer of the network of the Smaky, and hat developed a graphic card for the Smaky 130. Our objective was to collect the testimonies of the French Swiss computer’s pioneers.
The Smaky was developed for the educational market. The people have made the Smaky have talent and imagination, but it was frequently students. For example, the operating system of the Smaky 8 and next was developed by Beat Brunner, a young student of 18-year-old. The operating system is multitasked and real-time. The graphic interface was developed by Daniel Roux, a fantastic developer without training! Daniel Roux has bought the first Dauphin sold. It has learned the programming and hat sent his firs program at Cathy and Jean-Daniel Nicoud. Jean-Daniel Nicoud sees this program, a reflex tester, and his next software’s and proposed work at EPFL to Daniel Roux. Later, Daniel Roux was the first employee of Epsitec and work to his retirement in 2022 at Epsitec.
The exhibition was realised with the collaboration of Jean-Daniel Nicoud. It hats lend the firsts Smaky and realized all Smaky presentation posters.
For more information about Jean-Daniel Nicoud and Smaky family computers, www.smaky.ch
PlayStation exhibition
With ten consoles, the PlayStation exhibition presented the history of this extremely popular platform. Sony hat sold so many versions of his PlayStation that it would be impossible to exhibit all. Slim version, original PS1, integrated on screen, development version, on network or the special country versions, the PlayStation is the console to have for a collector.